About Us

Kaveri Kadam
I am Kaveri Kadam, founder of K6 Wealth Grow Investment services.
Over the last 19 years, we have helped numerous individuals ranging from Businessmen to Students, Salaried and Retire People in planning for a Happy Retirement, Planning for Child's Education/ Marriage as well as financial protection against any unforeseen events etc.
We offer a wide range of plans of life & health insurance to suit your diverse needs. Please feel free to get in touch anytime to create a detailed investment plan to achieve your medium and long term financial goals in a timely and stress-free manner.
Our mission is to guide you in creang a concrete roadmap which can help you to achieve your financial goals in a hassle-free manner.
Our success is solely due to our customers who have placed their trust in us. Our client base of over 824 + clients have made sure that we keep giving best results.
Some of our Achievements are
• MDRT (USA) Member. (It a World Recognition Million Doller Round Table Member)
• Awarded with “Shatakveer”
•Topper In Single Premium
• Club Member
• Awarded with Presgious “Various Trophies” from Life Insurance Corporation of India